What is Anchor Text?
Anchor text is a part of text or writing in an article that can be clicked because it contains a link in it. When clicked, you will be redirected to another page on one website or another.
Anchor text appears in a different color text from the content of the article. There is also anchor text that appears in bold, underline, or a combination of both, making it easier for website visitors to recognize.
Ideally, the target link of this anchor text should contain information relevant to the topic of the article. Readers can also find out about additional information when clicking on the anchor text. The information can be in the form of articles or product pages that still match the article.
5 Types of Anchor Text and Examples
Anchor text in a content consists of various types. Some anchor text is displayed directly in the form of the URL, some use commonly used words or phrases. Get to know the various types of anchor text below.
1. Exact Match
Exact matches are marked with specific keywords in an article. This type of anchor text is used so that the ranking of the content page can increase in search engines. For example, the Nuweb website uses the anchor text “SEO services” so that the SEO product page can penetrate the first ranking on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
2. Partial Match
This type of anchor text consists of a combination of several words in the form of keywords, generic words, and random. In essence, all these keywords are put together so as to form a link that is ready to be visited by readers. For example, “buy cheap sports shoes” is directed to a sports shoe product page.
3. Branded
As the name implies, this type of anchor text contains your brand so that brand awareness increases. Branded anchor text is also useful so that your website is not labeled spam by search engine algorithms. For example, “ToffeeDev” in the sentence “contact ToffeeDev for more information”.
4. Generic
This type of anchor text uses words that are commonly used to lure readers to click on the link. That is, there are no keywords related to the article in the anchor text. For example: “click this link”, “read also”, “download here”, “buy now”, “more info” and others.
5. Naked URL
This type is directly displayed in the form of a link without any anchor text in the form of keywords. In short, the link is written openly in the article. A simple example is the https://Nuweb.com/blog/category/update/ link found when reading the article.
6 Tips for Making Anchor Text
Anchor text is a part that is quite challenging when creating an article. One little, your webpage will not rank up. Therefore, ToffeeDev would like to share tips on making anchor text below.
1. Make it as natural as possible
Like writing articles, you have to make anchor text that is natural and relevant to the content. Make sure the anchor text looks unified so that it is comfortable for users to read. If it is not relevant, use the anchor text in another article.
2. Avoid Deceptive Anchor Texts
Never create anchor text links that do not match the keywords. For example, the anchor text “water heater” should be directed to a water heater product page, not a bathtub. This error not only makes you lose visitors, but affects SEO ranking as well.
3. Different Text Format
When managing the appearance of the website, make sure you set the appearance of the text with links as well to make it more prominent. You can use different colors, bold format, italic, underline, and so on.
4. Avoid Generic Anchor Text
Generic words or commonly used aliases should be avoided when creating anchor text. Both visitors and SEO algorithms will have difficulty in recognizing the anchor text.
5. Avoid Too Much Anchor Text
While anchor text is very important, you should limit its use. You can use a maximum of 2-3 anchor text in the article according to the number of words. Too much anchor text will be suspected as a malicious link scheme activity.
6. Use Help Tools
Finally, take advantage of the keyword tools feature when creating anchor text. The features in these tools are certainly very useful for creating relevant and competitive anchor text.
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